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How do I set up a Yield on both DAY & WEEK Templates?

How to set up a Yield:
Intro: Yields are used if you want to put a capacity on a specific ticket type within an overall capacity, they are ideal for managing capacities on individual ticket basis as opposed to across the whole experience.
To setup a yield, do the following:
-        Go to Booking Dashboard
-        Go to Yield Manager
-        Click ‘Add’
-        It will bring you to this page

-        Please give the Yield a Name
-        On the ‘Limit Maximum Slots to All Products’ – If unticked, this means if the maximum capacity of a day is 2, then you can have 2 per each products, if its ticked then the capacity is 2 across every product in this yield.
-        Cut Off Days – means if you set it to 5 days then after 5 days the yield is no longer available.
-        Base Yield on Minutes – This needs to be ticked if your products within this yield are time and duration based activities.
-        Use yields on vouchers Only, means the yield only applies to activity vouchers.
-        Then you will need to select the specific opening hour template that you want the yield to apply to on the dropdown below. Day templates will be listed first on the dropdown followed by your week templates.

Once you have selected the template, you will now be able to select specific yield capacities of what you want the product capacity to be available for.
In the example below, I am using the capacity from the 9am-5pm Standard which is 100, but I am creating a yield for ‘Afterschool Session’. Within the 100 capacity only 10 Afterschool tickets are available. It would look like the below:

 (One thing to note is if you want no availability on a slot, put it as Zero. If left Blank it will allow availability).
The next step would be to press Save.

Repeat this process on as many templates as required. One yield can be set against multiple different templates.
Then you can see the yield has been made, however it shows 0 Products Selected.

The last Step would be to go to the Afterschool product, then go to Configure Activity, there is a setting for ‘Till and Website Yield’ you will need to select this Yield on both of these as shown below:

Now if you go back to the yield page, you can now see the products are linked:

The relevent time slots will now be showing based on the yield you have applied. You need to copy the yield over to other templates if you want it to be the same off of all opening hours templates, you can tick the option below within the yield setting: